Unbelievable is a Netflix mini-series based on true events in which a rape victim who gets penalized and dismissed by the police, receives her due years later, due to the diligent efforts of 2 police officers.
Unorthodox is a mini-series(drama) streaming in Netflix. The series is about the journey of self-discovery of a young woman Esty, trying to escape the constraints of her ultra-orthodox community.
Teacher Man is the third book in the autobiographical series of Frank McCourt,, American author and teacher. In this book, he recounts his trials and tribulations as a teacher in the American public school system.
Streaming in – Netflix Genre – Police Procedural drama/Crime series(limited) Starring – UK – Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby, Rochenda Sandall, Shubham Saraf & others…...
Author – Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho de Souza needs no introduction. He is the much-loved and celebrated author of the international bestseller “The Alchemist”.…...
Showing on – HBO (Mini-series) Starring – Frances McDormand, Richard Jenkins, Devin Druid, Cory Michael Smith, Bill Murray and others Genre – Drama Olive…...
Try trudging through the exalted classics of the 1900s. I did. And the question popped up in my mind, very other line. This year,…...
Featured in Amazon Prime Actors : Toni Collette, Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Gabriele Byrne & others Genre : Horror (Psychological/Paranormal) Parental warning (IMDB) –…...